Our home is a small town called Andechs, a place of pilgrimage within the “Fünf-Seen-Land” (Five Lake District) in Upper Bavaria, just south of Munich. Most of our organic dairy farms are spread along the winding foothills of the Bavarian Alps or across the rolling hills of the Allgäu, a small region in Swabia. Just imagine the picturesque landscape of the Bavarian Prealps with its sprawling green meadows, the brightly-colored flowers, the deep blue lakes set against the backdrop of a majestic mountain range! This idyllic scenery is a part of who we are and the very reason why “Heimatliebe und Lebensfreude” (love of one's native country and pure joy of life) have become an inherent part in all our endeavors.
Those two terms encompass all that is important, to you and to us: our social and physical environment, our flora and fauna in particular, climate protection, water and soil conservation. Our home, family and friends. For us, it is an emotional as well as highly logical and reasonable ‘moral obligation’ to uphold and promote these values, together with all other like-minded individuals!
The result: A ‘bio-logical’ mindset and organic-oriented implementation - and the ‘ANDECHSER NATUR organic dairy products’.
Organic milk farmers
The valuable organic milk of ANDECHSER NATUR dairy and cheese specialties originates from certified, family-led organic farmsteads. The farmers are affiliated with the organic farming associations of Bioland, Demeter, Biokreis and Naturland. Compliance with strict regulations is checked by independent control authorities on a regular basis.
Our interactive map shows you the dairy catchment area of the Andechser Dairy Scheitz. The green spots mark the organic cow farmers, the blue spots mark the organic goat farmers. We have summarized the organic farmers for the sake of clarity, which is shown by the numbers. The numbers indicate how many organic farmers are in this region. If you zoom in on the map you can see all our organic farmers.