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Silver state medal for Georg Scheitz Sr.

f.l.t.r. Herr Hubert Bittlmayer, Herr Georg Scheitz Sr., Herr Hubert Heigl ©Hauke Seyfarth/StMELF
Published on 31. August 2021

Commitment to the common good

For their commitment to organic farming in Bavaria, 21 individuals - including Georg Scheitz Sr. - received high honours from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry

As Hubert Heigl, 1st Chairman of the Landesvereinigung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern e.V. (LVÖ) emphasised, "the people honoured today have done pioneering work for the organic farming and food industry in Bavaria in their agricultural and processing companies. They have established organic regional value chains that prioritise the benefits for all involved and not the profit of one individual. Instead of maximum division of labour and rationalisation, they focus on holism and diversity. They were involved in the organic farming associations - Naturland, Bioland, Biokreis and Demeter - and were also active in their communities and other organisations. The guiding principles of this work were and are the common good as well as ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability."


Staatsmedaille in Silber für Georg Scheitz sen.
f.l.t.r. Herr Hubert Bittlmayer, Herr Georg Scheitz Sr., Herr Hubert Heigl
©Hauke Seyfarth/StMELF


All information on the complete award ceremony can be found at

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